Multiple User Role’s

- BETA Functionality -

Multiple User Roles per user is a new feature to be officially released soon, however the functionality is now available in Beta, from the Manage Users (BETA).

<p class=”intercom-align-left”><i>A note re BETA functionality. BETA means new functionality that is functional and can be used, but has not yet been made beautiful (still needs aesthetic design attention) and has yet to be fully documented, and publicly announced.</i></p>

Why multiple roles per user ?

It make the Management of User Roles easier and more flexible, particularly when there are many Custom Roles and you wish to give individual users a mix of Roles in order to fine tune what each user can access.

How to allocate Multiple Roles to a User

Once your various User Roles are created (see this article).

<p class=”intercom-align-left”><br />If you have the appropriate User Role (e.g. Admin) :-<br /></p>
  1. Navigate to Users > Manager Users (Beta)
  2. Find the User you wish to allocate to Multiple Roles
  3. Click View Details, then click the Edit button top right.
  4. Select an appropriate Main Role (This has no particular significance other than it's the first role selected - we generally recommend you select the Role with the most ability (e.g. Admin)
  5. Select appropriate Additional Roles
  6. Save Changes.

Note: When a user has multiple User Roles, the Abilities of each Role have a hierarchy, and the higher (or more powerful) ability will override the lower power ability. See

e.g If a user has the Staff Role with the ability to Request Assets, and also has the Manager Role with the ability to Download Assets, the higher powered Ability of Download Assets will be available to the user.

Use Case

A common use case for using Multiple User Roles is in the case where an Account has say multiple resellers and multiple product lines, but only certain resellers have access to each product line.

So you might setup Roles along the lines of 

  • Product Line X Reseller, Can Request
  • Product Line Y Reseller, Can Download
  • Product Line Z Reseller, Can Request

You'd then might setup Licences  along the lines of

  • Product Line X
  • Product Line Y
  • Product Line Z

Now you could allocate a User with Multiple Roles in order to manage their Access.

Bob has the role of Product Line X Reseller & Product Line Z Reseller and so can access only those Products, and can Request Assets for either product line.

John has the role of Product Line Y Reseller & Product Line Z Reseller and can access only those products, and can Download Assets for either product line.


As BETA functionality, by definition we have not yet finished the feature, we would love your feedback. Happy to have suggestion on how we can improved functionality, documentation, design layout, etc. Don't be shy.


Happy branding :)

Multiple User Role's

How does Multiple User Roles work and how it affects access

Asset type post
ID 113814
Word count 464 words


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