
Passwordless Login

Fed up with passwords. Us too. You can now login to any Brandkit account (in Brandkit 2) with just your email address. No Password required.

Screenshot of login screen for Brand Scotland showing Passwordless login option

How it works

(1) Go Passwordless

Select the Log in without a password option (if it is available - some accounts may disable this feature). Enter your email address and we'll send you a magic link via email. Note, you must have an existing user account to use Passwordless.

(2) Click the link

Find the email in your email inbox, and click the magic link. Thiis will log you in.

(3) Complete Profile

You need an existing user account to use Passwordless login. However once logged-in this way you may be asked to add a Password or update your User profile before carrying on.

Next up: Multi-lingual Brand Portal

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