Web and Content Analytics,
Reporting and Insights

Brandkit includes Reports, Dashboards and Insights about your digital assets and content usage. Including web analytics for your Brand Portal and internal statistics and usage reports from the internal DAM.

Screenshot Brandkit Dashboard

Ficticious example of a Brandkit Usage Analytics Dashboard

Some of the reports included

Screenshot Plausible Analytics

Web Analytics Dashboard, powered by Plausible for your Brand Portal. Each Brandkit account comes with a privacy first, GDPR compliant, Plausible.io powered web analytics dashboard, included out of the box.

Screenshot Brandkit Dashboard

Content Analytics Dashboard, powered by Brandkit®. These analytics measure actual content usage in your Brandkit account including storage space used, asset counts, uploads, downloads and CDN traffic (Proxy images and embeds).

Screenshot Brandkit Dashboard

Top 10 Lists, powered by Brandkit®. These analytics show the most popular Assets, Traffic sources and Users.

And many more including: Usage summary and trends stack bar chart, Storage summary with asset-types by count breakdown pie-chart, Storage summary with asset-types by space occupied breakdown pie-chart, Traffic summary by asset type pie-chart, Users by User Role pie chart, Top 10 Downloded Assets, Top 10 Viewed Assets, Top CDN Traffic sources, Top 10 users by activity, Asset Activity (full downloadable report by Asset), Assets Metadata (full downloadable report by Asset), Users Activity (full downloadable report by User), Account Activity (a full audit trail of account activity per user), and per asset, etc.

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Statistics above last updated 1 March 2024