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Brandkit Platform Tour: Multiple Portals
Multiple Portals - Serve every audience like they were the only audience
Multiple Brand Portals is a unique feature of Brandkit. It's available as an optional configuration for some accounts. It provides an option for customers to offer a unique bespoke Brand Portal for each unique audience (e.g. Staff, Trade, Media, etc) complete with its own unique URL (e.g. trade.acme.com).

How it works
- Create a new Portal
- Add a new Host record
- Add a DNS record (such as a sub-domain) pointing at the Host
- Customise your new Portal
- Select the Assets to appear in the new Portal using an Album
- Send Users to the new URL (users can use their existing User Accounts if the are registered in the other Portals of the same account)

E.g this could be a unique portal for trade partners vs customers vs journalists.