"Easy to use."

Silo's suck. The last thing a brand needs, is a bunch of isolated silos. Instead brands need a single source of truth that everyone can access, anytime, anywhere.
With Brandkit™ you get...
A Single Source of Truth
For ALL your brand content
You get one link to your own customised brand portal/digital toolkit, where users can find, view and download your brand content. Your Logos, Guideline, Images, Video, PDFs, Presentations, Audio, Copy, Stories, PR, Earned Media links, and more - all in one place.
Share with your Staff, Trade Partners, Customers, Journalists and more.
Powered by intelligent DAM software
A powerful back-end for your brand toolkit.
Every file, story and link. Rights Management. Multiple User Roles. Transfers. Requests. Approvals. Embeds. Reporting. In the cloud. Remote work friendly. All handled without raising a sweat.
Private or Public Portal
Keep your content private, limited to certain users, or open it up for the world. It's totally up to you.
Learn about Private/Public Brand Portals
Self-serve Download, Share, Transfer or Embed
Configure your Brand Toolkit for self-service, use it to share content with anyone, transfer large files, or embed images in websites and email.

Example of self-serve Brand Portal for Tourism NZ
Freedom to tell your brand story
Now with all your brand assets and content properly organized, and all in one place, you have the freedom to focus on creating content, and curating the brand story you really want to tell.