Social Media and UGC
Creating content takes time, but you don’t have to do it alone. Social media users and influencers are already sharing your story through user-generated content (UGC). Imagine showcasing the best of that content in your Brandkit
You can! and it's super easy in Brandkit.
Display UGC as "Links" (visual shortcuts) in your Brandkit
Each Link to a UGC post is treated like an Asset, and gets a visual tile in search results (just like other assets). Clicking the tile jumps you to the link's URL (e.g. an Instagram post).
Other benefits are that you can add metadata, and tags to control who can see the links, and to aid search.
Links are taggable, searchable, visual shortcuts
Run a search, and Links appear in your results alongside file based Assets and Posts. Click the link and jump to that content in a new browser window.
Easily add Instagram (& most other Social Networks) posts to your Brandkit with Links
Easily add shortcuts to your favourite Instagram posts from your team, influencers, visitors, customers and others. Just grab an Instagram Post URL, and then back in your Brandkit add as an External Link in the Admin area. Tag, Find and Share in Brandkit alongside other Assets.
How it works
(1) Start in your Social Media of choice
Consume your feed or search natively in your Social Media of choice (you don't need any special tools to find UGC).
When you discover a Post worth re-sharing, open the Post's page and copy the page URL from your browsers address bar, or grab a shareable link.
(2) Add a link
In your Brandkit navigate to the Admin area, and click the Add (+) button in the top right menu, and then select the Add a Link option.
(3) Paste your Link's URL (from step 1)
Simply copy and paste in your URL. The system will check it can extract a useful link and success will depend on the structure of the destination URL and whether that page has proper metadata setup. If not, you will then be given the option of manually adding the link.
When you create a link we automatically extract a hero image (if the 3rd party webpage has an Open Graph image attribute), or you can manually add your own image.
(4) Add metadata, tags and approve
The Link Asset will be created with a Draft status. You can then add additional metadata, move it to the appropriate Vault, add Tags and then once you're happy change the status to Approved and publish it to your Brand Portal.
What about making UGC downloadable for my users ?
Linking is best practice
The process outlined above doesn't copy or upload any content to your Brandkit.
This avoids the need to seek any special permissions - as you're just linking to someone elses content. We make it clear in Brandkit that it is not content owned or produced by you - with our standard Public Domain licence.
We recommend linking to user-generated content in its native environment (e.g. on Instagram) as best practice, rather than downloading a copy to store in your DAM.
Taste matters
Curate with care. Focus on authenticity and quality - not volume. This means don't automate outreach based on #hashtags or pre-programmed searches. Bots, Algorithms and AI don't have much in the way of "taste", and when it come to UGC - taste matters.
Use our Contribution Workflow
However, if you really want to have those Images and Video downloadable by your users from your Brandkit - you'll want the original high resolution photography and video. You won't get that from the Social Networks who downsample any uploaded high resolution content.
So Brandkit has a unique Contribution Worklflow for that purpose. All you need to do is ask the owner of that content to visit your Contribute page in your Brandkit, agree to your Terms, and Upload it.
Just do this (ask for a Contribution) in the native app (e.g. in Instagram) - you don't need any special software to ask for this in a comment. You can even selectively offer some reward oe enticement. This way the owner of the content can upload an un-cropped high resolution version of Photos or Videos, and you'll have clear rights to use that content going forward.
World famous in your Brandkit
🍒 The cherry on top for influencers and other social media creators, (whether it's added Links, or UGC originals uploaded to your Brandkit) is that you can offer Influencers, Collaborators and UGC owners - attribution and some additional exposure (which they often seek) in the form of a Credit and dedicated Landing Page in your Brandkit, with our Content Attribution tools. That's a sweet deal.
Please contact us if you need clarification about UGC.