
Content Syndication

Get free, relevant, rights managed and approved content from connected partners.
And optionally, send some of your content back the other way with 2-way syndication.

Screenshot of Asset Syndication for Kaikoura Image Library

How it works

(1) Connect Accounts

First, connect your Brandkit account to another Brandkit account (or many), that you want to partner with. Simply share your Account Connect Key with the other party for inbound syndication, and grab their Account Connect Key if you want to syndicate out to them.

(2) Syndicate Assets

Select the Assets you want to Syndicate outwards, and then hit the Syndicate button in the Basket, and select the partner account you want to Syndicate to. That's it, the receiving account can now curate and accept some, or all of your Syndicated Assets.

(3) Curate Inbound

If you're receivng inbound syndications from connected 3rd party accounts, you'll see those feeds listed in the Assets > Syndications page in your Admin area. Select the feed, and either curate each asset individually, or accept them all. You can even auto-accept everything if you prefer. Bingo - additional free authentic content in your Brand Portal.

Next up: Partner/Stakeholder Network

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