Brandkit Image Management Software

The world's most customisable Image Management Software,
aka Image Library Software, Photo Library Software, Media Library Software, Visual Library Software

Whatever you call it, with Brandkit you can easily find, manage, share and distribute your images, photography and video, at scale.

Screenshot of an image search from the Tasmanian Partner Toolkit powered by Brandkit

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Trusted by brands for over 25 years

a few customer logos a few customer logos

Find, not search
Photo library software with predictive search and visual results

More than search, Brandkit helps you find your images, photography and video.

No matter how many images in your image library, find what you need in milliseconds. Enter a few search characters and Brandkit will automatically suggest a list of matching keyword tags and display the results, in a visual results grid. Or ignore the suggestions, keep typing and we'll do a full text search.

Then refine your search with related tags and handy filters.

Screenshot showing type ahead predictive search

Save time with Automation

Intelligent photo library software, that helps you get organized easier and faster with automated tagging and batch editing

Brandkit's intelligent Image Library Software is smart enough to automatically tag images for you on ingestion using proprietary logic and a sprinkling of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for object and scene detection. For example: Without any additional work you'll be able to run a search like #Portrait or #Mountain, to find all your Portrait images or images, in your image library, that include a Mountain.

Then you can batch edit whole collections of images at once.

Brandkit's photo library software features and workflows make organizing and tagging your images and photos a breeze.

auto tagging screenshot

Video and Images go together,
like peas in a pod.

Working with video is now fast and easy.

Upload a video and we'll auto-generate a web-sized playable web preview, that you can preview and scrub through without having to download (a huge bandwidth consuming file) first.

Gain independence for your video. You'll no longer be reliant on uploading to Youtube or Vimeo.

And you can share, distribute and download video as easily as images.

Learn more about Video functionality.

Screen shot of a Video asset in NZ Story image library

Rights Management
Reduce inertia, with clearly defined Usage Rights

Let users know whether they can, and how they can, deploy your images with clearly defined and communicated, terms of use. Including copyright, attribution notices, expiry and release dates, versioning, contract attachments, usage instructions, brand guidelines.

Show/hide image collections, allow download and/or sharing rights based on User Role.

A composite image of Vault access settings by Role and an Assetv detail page showing Licening requirements

Image Library FAQ

Q. What is a Image Library?
An Image Library in the context of branding and marketing refers to a curated collection of visuals, such as photos, videos, animations, graphics, and illustrations, that are consistently aligned with a brand's identity and messaging. This centralized repository enables marketing teams to quickly access approved and on-brand visuals for various campaigns, ensuring cohesive and consistent brand representation across all communication channels.
Q. What is Brandkit's Image Library solution?
Brandkit's Image Library solution provides businesses with a cloud-based software-as-a-service platform to create, manage, and distribute their visual resources, ensuring brand consistency across all communication channels.
Q. How does Brandkit's solution differ from traditional image management software?
Being a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution, our Image Libraries are hosted in the cloud, eliminating the need for in-house installations or updates. This ensures that you always have access to the latest features and improvements without any manual intervention.

Brandkit™ is also unique in that it combines a customisable brand portal (website), visual assets, plus posts and links in one unified system. Plus Brandkit™ includes special features for images, like auto conversion to lower res from high res source images, embeddable images, licencing, attribution, expiry and releasse dates, talent release and term usage contract handling, and more.
Q. How secure are our visual on your platform?
Data security is a top priority. We employ state-of-the-art encryption, regular security audits, and comply with global data protection standards to ensure your brand data remains confidential and secure.
Q. Can I customize the Image Library to fit my company's needs?
Absolutely! Our solution is designed to be flexible. You can customize branding, pages, navigation, design themes, page layouts, domain name, user roles and access levels, user authentication, search filters, taxonomy, conversion sizes, and more to align with your organisations’s specific requirements.
Q. Is there a maximum size limit for Images and other files?
There's a maximum file size of 25GB for an indivdual file. That's pretty big! and will accommodate most videos provided it's not a feature length film.
Q. How many users can access our Image Library?
Unlimited Users. Our pricing is based on Usage not user seats. So every plan has unlimited users, including unlimited Admins. You can also make your Image Library Private or Publicly accessible with additional access controls by User Role. Yay!
Q. Is there any training provided?
Yes, we provide comprehensive training sessions for teams, as well as a library of video tutorials and written documentation.
Q. How does the pricing work?
Our pricing is subscription-based, typically billed monthly or annually. We offer different plans based on features and likely usage. See pricing here.
Q. Can we integrate this solution with other software we use?
Certainly. Brandkit's Image Library solution offers API integrations with various popular software and platforms.
Q. What kind of customer support do you provide?
We offer around the clock 24/7 customer support through email, and phone. Plus, our Help Center is available around the clock for self-help and guidance.
Q. How do we get started?
Simply book a discovery and demo call on our website, or reach out to our sales team. We'll ensure that Brandkit is a good fit for your organisation, then arrange to setup your account, onboarding and training of your team.
How do we ensure brand consistency across global teams?
Brandkit's Image Library centralizes all your visuals in one place, providing real-time access to all team members 24x7, regardless of their location. Then we wrap all your visual content, in Terms of Use, Usage Licences, Attribution Credits, Expiry and Release dates and a host of other controls designed to make sharing Brand Safe. Finally we track usage and provude analytics. Helping ensure global brand consistency.
Q. Can I get a trial account?
Yes, we offer a 14-day free trial (but this can be extended for as long as you need), allowing you to explore the Brandkit platform's features and benefits without any commitment.

You can requst a trial account during or after the initial discovery/demo call and the Brandkit team will set that up for you.

Professional Image Library Software
with Multiple Sharing options

Move faster, Save time, Less interruption.

Once your images are organized with our image library software, share or distribute them in a multitude of ways.

No more file fetching.

Focus on important work, without interruption.

screen shot of Tourism NZ's Self Service Brand Portal

At a fair price

Start from as little as US$99/mth for unlimited users.

Learn more here

Join 176,223+ users already on Brandkit

Your story matters. Help your collaborators find your content, tell your story with confidence, and build a stronger brand.

All for a reasonable and fair price. See pricing here.


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Statistics above last updated 1 March 2024