Asset Permalinks in Brandkit

Photo of green frog

Permalink:   a permanent static hyperlink to a particular web page or entry in a blog.

Permalink's were developed as an idea to support blogs and links to preserve access to online content. But they also serve as useful idea for visual content such as an image in a Digital Asset Management system.

Brandkit has a permalink feature available for your visual assets.

Essentially it's a shortened URL to an Asset's thumbnail image in Brandkit.

For example

You would write it HTML code on a website like this 

<img src=""  alt="Asset title" class="brandkit-embed"/>

What this delivers is the thumbnail image of the asset - rather the original file - so the size will be mandated by Brandkit’s internal thumbnail sizing.

As seen below:



The main benefit is that URL survives any version changes, asset name changes etc because it’s tied to a unique Asset ID.

For example: below is a new version of the image on the same permalink (An Admin uploaded a new version of the image to the Asset replacing the original image above).


Sepia version on the same Permalink

The image shown will always reflect in real-time the thumbnail image for the current version of the asset file at that Asset's permalink.

Common uses

  • Images in an HTML email
  • Images in an ecommerce site
  • Images on corporate sites or landing pages
  • etc

  Note : That if images are watermarked in Brandkit (a selection when uploading/ingesting) the watermarked thumbnail is what is pushed on that URL.


Note Also: That if the Asset is Expired, Archived or Deleted then the Image will be unavailable to the Permalink (i.e. the Permalink will return no image), leading to some awkward moments potentially with missing images - but it preserves data integrity, security, access permissions and licensing - a necessary evil with images.

Asset Permalinks in Brandkit

Permalink’s were developed as an idea to support blogs and links to preserve access to online content. But they also serve as useful idea for visual content such as an image in a Digital Asset Management system. Brandkit has a permalink feature available for your visual assets. Essentially it’s a shortened URL to an Asset’s thumbnail image in Brandkit.

Asset type post
ID 113829
Word count 312 words


Licence Worldwide Paid and Unpaid Available to anyone for royalty free use in paid and unpaid media worldwide, provided Brandkit benefits from such use, and (or the named Credit if provided) is credited.
Expiry No expiry date
Added at


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