Tips for posting to Pinterest


Pinterest is an interesting marketing channel for brands. While relatively new it has grown rapidly, has a strong predominantly female audience and is a great way to engage with visual content. It’s now an important channel that you should be using in your marketing.


Here’s a short helpful video from Pinterest on how to create ‘Pins’ that work well on Pinterest.

You’ll note that they say the tall (portrait) images work best on Pinterest boards.

This is the opposite of most other social networks and channels, so that’s a bit of a challenge - but at least you now have a great channel for all those Portrait images and all those old print ads, in your brand asset library.</p><p>Happy branding (and Pinning) :)</p>

Tips for posting to Pinterest

Pinterest is an interesting marketing channel for brands. While relatively new it has grown rapidly, has a strong predominantly female audience and is a great way to engage with visual content. It’s now an important channel that you should be using in your marketing.

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ID 113717
Word count 127 words


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