Reporting Improvements
Reporting Improvements
Some improvements in the Admin and Reporting areas.<strong>Manage Users and User Roles (for Admins)</strong>
- You can now Download Users as a CSV. You might want to import users into your email marketing tool for example.
- We’ve added the Nature of Organisation and Country fields (from the Registration form).
- Fixed a bug with User Invitation emails.
- New Download by Asset report. This report lists downloads by Date and also now by Asset ID (one row per asset). It also adds details collected by download forms such as Intended Use and Intended Placement.
- Enhanced Asset Expiry report. This report now shows the number of downloads to date and a thumbnail for each expiring asset.
- You can now download the Approved Tags as a CSV.
- You can now View directly from the Approve Tags page, all the assets (in admin) tagged with a particular asset. Useful when considering the deletion of a Tag.
Reporting Improvements
Some improvements in the Admin and Reporting areas.