Automatic Asset Notifications
Brandkit automatically generates Notifications for Asset Expiry and Licence changes to an Asset. These notifications are initially sent to Admins for approval and then to end-users (users who have previously downloaded the Asset), provided an Admin approves the Notification. These automatic notifications are triggered by the following:
- Asset reaches its Expiry Date
- Asset reaches its Expiry Warning Date (i.e., “X” number of days before expiry)
- Asset’s Licence is changed
First: Recommended Notification
Before Notifications are shown or sent to Users, Brandkit generates a list of Recommended Notifications for Admins to approve (Notify) or Decline. This list is accessible in Admin under Pending Notifications in the To Do menu:
Admin > To Do > Pending Notifications
Column descriptions:
- Date: The date the notification is triggered
- Type: The trigger type (Licence = Licence change, Expiry = reached expiry date or expiry warning date)
- Preview: Asset proxy thumbnail
- Asset: Unique Asset ID
- Description: The reason for the notification
- Actions: Options to Notify, Decline, or View the Asset (opens asset detail page in a new browser tab)
Admins (all Admins can see this list) will review the list and decide which notifications should be sent to users. Typically, you can safely click Notify All! to send all notifications or Decline All! to delete them. However, in some cases, you may want to:
- Delay your Approval until all assets have correct Expiry dates and Licences
- Decline sending a notification if it’s unlikely that anyone has downloaded the Asset (e.g., during the initial setup of your library)
Second: Once Notification is Approved
If a Recommended Notification is approved (Notified), it is sent to the user, and the Notification icon (a bell icon) will appear in the user’s Navigation bar (top of the screen) if they are logged in.
Additionally, users receive an email notification indicating there are outstanding notifications to review. These emails are sent once a day, generally around midnight. Users should click either the Notification icon (navbar) or the link in the email to view their Notifications page.
On this page, users should review the Notification and click the Acknowledge button to clear it.
When a user Acknowledges a notification, the system records the date and time of the acknowledgment and clears the notification. Users must ensure they have updated their usage of the Asset or stopped using it (if a Licence has expired) before clicking Acknowledge.
Users will continue to receive daily reminder emails about Notifications until all are acknowledged.
Last updated: 18 November 2020
Automatic Asset Notifications
Brandkit can notify users whenever an Asset is close to Expiry, Expires or has a Licence change.