Brandkit Requirements and Specifications

These are the minimum requirements and system specifications  to use Brandkit™ software..

Access to the Internet

Users must have a computer, tablet or phone with an internet connection. Connection speed will affect the download speed of files.

Modern Browser

You’ll need to use a supported web browser to log in to Brandkit. Brandkit uses modern web technology and will not work on older browsers. Generally you should upgrade to the latest browser on a regular basis.

  • Google Chrome (PC and Mac)
  • Internet Explorer (IE) 9 or higher (PC)
  • Mozilla Firefox (PC and Mac) Safari (Mac)

They may work satisfactorily, but we don’t <em>officially</em> support any beta versions of these browsers or alternative open source builds of them.

Make sure that cookies and JavaScript are enabled in your browser.


Users must have a valid email address in order to signup. Brandkit sends a validation email to the user’s email as part of the sign-up process, Lost passwords, etc.

Browser Settings

Brandkit uses Cookies for sessions so that you don’t don’t need to logon to every page and uses Javascript. Most browsers have both these thing turned on by default - so most users don’t need to change anything. However if you’re having problems you may want to check these settings or ask your IT person to do so.

Zip files

When downloading, files sometimes downloaded as a zip file in order to save download bandwidth and time. In order to use downloaded zip files, users should have software that can unzip or unpack a zip file.

Most modern computers have this ability built in. However if you don’t you may need to install an un-zipping application.

There are numerous zipping (they zip and unzip) applications available, some free, some paid. Just Google: Zip software.

Brandkit Software Technical Specifications

Application language and framework

Brandkit 1 is made with the programming language Ruby (v2.2.2) and the popular web framework Rails (v4.2.5). Commonly referred to as Ruby on Rails.

Brandkit 2 is made with the programming language Elixir and the the Phoenix web framework.

HTML 5 We build to the HTML 5 standard. This enables us to create the best user experience for users. It requires users to use a modern web browser that supports HTML 5.

Front end frameworks

We utilise several front-end frameworks for Brandkit 1. The main ones being Bootstrap (v3), JQuery (v1.12),  AngularJS(v1.2),  AngularUI (v0.11.2) and Typekit (Adobe).

In Brandkit 2 we are avoiding using front end frameworks, so the front end is all native HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Amazon AWS Cloud Infrastructure

Brandkit processing, storage and database (Postgres) runs on Amazon’s AWS. Amazon is the global leader (by a long way) in cloud computing infrastructure. Servers are essentially Linux instances. AWS has unlimited processing power and capacity. We can and do adjust and tune performance regularly to ensure customers get a great user experience.

Heroku PaaS

Brandkit 1 is deployed using Platform as a Service, Heroku. Heroku is a service layer that sits on top of Amazon AWS cloud infrastructure. We maintain Development, Staging and Production environments on Heroku. Brandkit 2 is deployed use an edge network service, Fly is a servicethat rund in parrallel to Amazon AWS cloud infrastructure. We maintain Staging and Production environments on


For Brandkit 1: We utilise a 3rd party search engine Elasticsearch for searching within Brandkit.

For Brandkit 2, we’ve built our own Postgres search engine.


We utilise a 3rd party mail server, Sendgrid for Brandkit application email. Sendgrid is a commercial transactional email engine.

Redis For Brandkit 1 We utilise Redis (data caching) via a third party service, Rdeis to Go (by Rackspace.

Filestack For Brandkit 1: We use a 3rd party service/api, Filestack to enable upload, transformation and integration with data-stores like Dropbox, Box, Google Drive.

For Brandkit 2: We use Filestack for Video processing only.

Analytics We have proprietary reporting built in but also incorporate [Google Analytics] Optionally we can add other analytics services.

In Brandkit 2 we include built-in web analytics using a privacy first first party analytics engine.

Github We use Git and Github to manage our code repository.

Design and Project Management We use Basecamp to manage and communicate design and client projects internally within our team and externally with clients.

Monitoring We use a number of tools to monitor the application server and site uptime. We use Pindom for external and independent uptime checks and show these at We use Heroku and [New Relic] for internal performance monitoring and tuning in Brandkit 1. We use Appsignal in Brandkit 2.

Storage Unlimited storage capacity via AWS s3.

Max file size In Brandkit 1 The maximum file size that can be uploaded via the Filepicker dialogue is currently 20GB (for a single file). We can accommodate larger files through FTP upload. This is an abitrary Filepicker limitation.

In Brandkit 2 The maximum file size that can be uploaded via the Large file upload dialogue is currently 25GB (for a single file). We can accommodate larger files through FTP upload. This is an abitrary Brandkit limitation.

Max file size for thumbnail generation In Brandkit 1: The maximum file size that can be processed in the creation of a thumbnail is 10million pixels. That is any file where the image being processed to generate a thumbnail to be used in the web interface that is larger than 10,000,0000 pixels when multiplying the width and height in pixels will be uploaded correctly but no thumbnail will be generated. In these cases you will have to create and upload your own thumbnail that is smaller than 10million pixels. This is an abitrary Filepicker limitation.

In Brandkit 2: The maximum file size that can be processed in the creation of a thumbnail is 10million pixels. That is any file where the image being processed to generate a thumbnail to be used in the web interface that is larger than 10,000,0000 pixels when multiplying the width and height in pixels will be uploaded correctly but no thumbnail will be generated. In these cases you will have to create and upload your own thumbnail that is smaller than 10million pixels. This is an abitrary Filepicker limitation.

Supported File Types/ > Mime Type > Extension (aka Whitelist)

  • Adobe EPS >   application/postscript > .eps
  • Adobe Illustrator > application/postscript > .ai
  • Adobe InDesign > application/x-indesign > .indd
  • Adobe PDF > application/pdf > .pdf
  • Adobe Photoshop > application/octet-stream > .psd
  • Audio > audio/m4a
  • Audio > audio/wav
  • Audio > audio/x-ms-wma
  • Audio > audio/midi
  • Audio > audio/mpeg
  • Audio > audio/webm
  • Audio > audio/ogg
  • Audio > audio/wav
  • Font > application/ 
  • Font > application/font-otf
  • Font > application/font-woff
  • Font >   application/font-ttf
  • Image > image/bmp
  • Image > image/gif 
  • Image > image/png 
  • Image > image/jpg
  • Image > image/jpeg 
  • Image > image/svg+xml
  • Image > image/tif
  • Image > image/webp
  • HTML > text/html (html)
  • Comma Seperated List > text/csv  
  • Microsoft Excel > application/ > .xls,
  • Microsoft Excel > application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
  • Microsoft Powerpoint File > application/
  • Microsoft Powerpoint File > application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
  • Microsoft Word> application/msword
  • Microsoft Word > application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
  • Text > text/plain  (txt)
  • Video > video/mp4  (mp4/m4v)
  • Video > .mpeg, 
  • Video > video/quicktime (mov)
  • Video > video/x-flv
  • Video > video/webm, 
  • Video > video/ogg
  • Video > video/x-ms-wmv 
  • ZIP Archive > application/zip > .zip

Supported Storage Service Integrations

Brandkit 1:

  • Dropbox
  • Box
  • Google Drive
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Instagram
  • Facebook

Brandkit 2 (as of 31 March 23):

  • Brandkit (integrated 3rd party Brandkit accounts)
  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox, OneDrive,Instagram, Facebook,Instagram, coming soon.

~ End ~

Brandkit Requirements and Specifications

These are the minimum requirements and system specifications to use Brandkit software.

Asset type post
ID 113879
Word count 1305 words


Licence Worldwide Paid and Unpaid Available to anyone for royalty free use in paid and unpaid media worldwide, provided Brandkit benefits from such use, and (or the named Credit if provided) is credited.
Expiry No expiry date
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