How do I download assets?

You can download Asset in a number of ways:

  1. Download 1 Asset at a time from the Search Results. In the Asset search results grid, to download a single asset click the Download Icon underneath the Asset thumbnail. 

2. Another way to download 1 asset at a time from the Asset detail page. Click the Asset Title to go trough to the Asset Detail page. Then in the Actions Panel on the right, click the Download button. 

3. Download multiple Assets at a time from the Basket. In the Asset search results grid, Select Assets by clicking the Select Icon. The Basket Panel will slide open and reveal your current selection. You can continue to Search and select more Assets, until you are happy your selection is complete. Then, in the Basket Panel, click the Download All button to download. 

4. In all cases, a Download modal window will open. You will need to confirm you accept the Terms of Use and may also be required to complete an Intended Use form (depending on your User Role) before displaying the Download button (and an option to have a link emailed to you). 

5. When downloading multiple Assets, Brandkit will zip all the files up into a single zip file. This may take some time, and will display an animated loading Gif while this is processing. You will have to wait for the zipping to be completed (after which the Download button will be displayed). You should NOT navigate away from this page while this is happening.

6. However, If you don't want to wait, you can click the link (below the loading animation), to have Brandkit email you a link to download the zip file once the processing is complete. If you choose this option, you can navigate away from this page and continue your day.

You'll get an email when the Zipping has completed. Just click the Download button/link in the Email to start the download to your computer.  


Happy branding :)

How do I download assets?

You can download Assets (aka files) in a number of ways.

Asset type post
ID 113883
Word count 339 words


Licence Worldwide Paid and Unpaid Available to anyone for royalty free use in paid and unpaid media worldwide, provided Brandkit benefits from such use, and (or the named Credit if provided) is credited.
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