How to comment on Assets


Commenting on Assets is supported in Brandkit for Admin Users (and improved in Admin 2 released 21 Oct 2019) .

It's a very simple commenting system that enables you to add comments to Assets - which are only ever visible on the Asset Detail page in Admin.

Please note that there is currently no notification system, no email is sent when you comment, and there is no way of mentioning other users with @name to alert them to a comment.

To comment on an Asset (must have Admin access)

  1. Navigate to the Asset's detail page in Admin.
  2. Expand the Comments panel.
  3. Type a comment in the comment field
  4. Click the [+] button to add the comment when you finished composing your comment.

<p class=”intercom-align-left”></p>

Note: You can not edit a comment once submitted - however you can Delete it and just add a new one.

Can I delete a comments?

Yes you can delete your own a comments.

  1. Navigate to the Asset's detail page in Admin.
  2. Expand the Comments panel.
  3. Click the Trashcan icon to next to a comment to delete it.
  4. Confirm.
  5. You may need to reload the page to see the comment has been removed.

Note: Admins can delete their own comments only. If you see a comment that really needs to be deleted - but has been added by another user, contact Brandkit support - who can delete these comments for you.

That's it for comments - pretty simple. Enjoy :)

How to comment on Assets

Admin Users can add and view comments on individual Assets in the to aide collaboration.

Asset type post
ID 113924
Word count 245 words


Licence Worldwide Paid and Unpaid Available to anyone for royalty free use in paid and unpaid media worldwide, provided Brandkit benefits from such use, and (or the named Credit if provided) is credited.
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