Adobe Turned the Worst Stock Photos Into a New Clothing Line


Like many, we often despise the use of stock photos, particularly the “obviously stock” image and their ilk (as seen printed on the t-shirt below).

adobe stock smilingseniors adobe stock handshake

Now, stalwart of the creative industry -  Adobe™ (a trusted brand for designers, producers, creatives and business), has created a clothing line that pokes fun at stock photos.Featuring some of the worst stock photos in existence.

What fun :)

Update 2022:By 2021 Adobe was now a major player in the stock photo market Adobe Stock (ranked no.4 by market share) according to Datanyze and has 100M+ stock images available).

So this 2016 campaign is either a huge self-own, that you might see as a fun take by Adobe’s Management, or a tone deaf approach to what is becoming a big problem - too much junk content shared by brands (we include stock photos in our definition of “Junk Content”).

Adobe Turned the Worst Stock Photos Into a New Clothing Line

Like many, we often despise the use of stock photos, particularly the “obviously stock” image and their ilk.

Asset type post
ID 113944
Word count 159 words


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