User not receiving invitation or confirmation emails?
A new user is not receiving the user confirmation email or Users Invitation email from Brandkit. Is it possible to copy and share the user invitation link via my own email or text messaging, as an alternative to the default Brandkit email?
Yes it's possible to copy and paste the unique invitation (or confirmation) URL and share with users any way you wish to.
Each URL
These URL's are unique to each user that registers or is invited. It makes no difference whether the user was invited or whether they self registered.
To find a users unique URL
- In Admin, navigate to the Manage Users (currently in Beta) page.
Admin > Users > Manage Users
2. Search for the User
3. Click View Details on the User's row in the Users Table.
The resulting view will display the unique confirmation URL for that user (provided the user has not already confirmed).
4. Copy the unique URL and share with whatever communications solution you choose. (e.g. your own email service, sms, phone, etc).

User not receiving invitation or confirmation emails?
Is there another way to share the user invitation link as an alternative to the default Brandkit email?