Screenshot of atomized brand guidelines automatically added to a logo download in Brandkit

Moving on from monolithic brand guidelines

The problem

Traditionally Brand Guidelines are a monolithic document with multiple pages and an index.

They are often created by your Design Agency in Adobe’s InDesign at great expense. A change or tweak requires editing the document and reissuing the entire thing.

Designers love them (for the work they bring), while users often resist consulting them.

That is so last century.

In the digital era, there is an opportunity to improve the user experience, and save money.

The Solution

The answer - is to atomise Brand Guidelines into smaller searchable components.

happy-icon-clear-space-rule-v2 happy-colour-rule-v2

For example these two (as show above) simple Brand Guides (or rules) for logo clear-space and logo colour specification, extracted from a monolithic document to two simple images. Theses are now taggable, searchable and attachable min guidelines, that lets users focus on their work rather than read some monolithic exercuise in brand ego.

What Brandkit® is doing about it

Brandkit® is taking up the challenge.

We’ve redesigned our brand management feature to use Attachments.

Now you can now choose your preferred approach. Either a traditional monolithic document, or independent atomised brand guidelines. Both are now supported.

Going forward, we’re encouraging customers to adopt an atomised approach.

Moving on from the monolithic brand guidelines document

Asset type post
ID 116290
Word count 203 words


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