Searchbox update
We introduced a biggish change to the standard Searchbox in Brandkit 2 this week.
Now the Searchbox defaults to a text search of all metadata fields.

In the past we auto-suggested matching search phrases explicitly for each major metadata field (e.g. Tag, Type, etc). So you would see a suggestion like Type:Video or Credit:Joe Bloggs.
Some customers reported that user were a little confused and didn’t know how to click on search suggestions.
Now with a simplified experience - we still suggest phrase matches, but now combine all fields into a single suggestion (e.g. Video”). This will find all Assets with “video” anywhere in the metadata, whether that text is in the Asset Name, Description, Asset Type, Credit or other fields.
This is essentially how the Searchbox works in Brandkit 1. So most customers are comfortable with this approach already.
What about False/Positive results
Lets say we want to search for videos. Naturally we type “video”in the Searchbox.
However we now have the old problem of our search turning up an asset of type:image in the search results if it has the text “video” anywhere in it’s metadata. This is not as uncommon as you might think.
This is a false/positive problem. The result is technically correct but not what the user intended.
Advanced Search (New)
So to help users solve the False/Positive problem above, and search for explicit field matches we’ve introduced a new Advanced Search filter for exactly that purpose.

The new Advanced Search filter lets you search specific metadata fields (e.g. Asset Type, Tag, etc).
You can also use the standard search filters to do much the same thing, because they specify a field/value combo that explicitly search the specified metadata field.
Happy searching/finding :)
Searchbox update
We introduced a biggish change to the standard Searchbox in Brandkit 2 this week.