Aggregate And Distribute Content From Authentic And Trusted Sources To Help Tell Your Unique Brand Story

Sometimes you just can't produce enough good content, you have to rely on content from partners or User Generated Content from customers, visitors and influencers. Now you can easily aggregate and curate such content and present it together with your own content, to tell the story from many perspectives.

Invite Contributions with a Public Upload page.

A Public Upload Page, in your Brand Portal, allows trusted users to securely contribute high resolution images and the like.

Run Photo Contests, collect high quality UGC, enable staff uploads, and more with a customisable Public Upload page.

Image of a thank you page after a Public Upload

Screenshot of an example Asset Page in the Visit Scotland Media Centre

Aggregate digital assets from multiple Brandkit's automagically in a Super-Account, with Asset Syndication.

Your account can be setup as a "Super-Account" that aggregates content syndicated from multiple source accounts,

Your users can then find and download content from each individual source account, or from the one Super-Account.

For example a National DMO could aggregate the images from across it's regional DMO's,providing a central clearing house for all the Destination Marketing images for the country, while giving each region a degree of autonomy.

Advantages include single login for end users, while Admins and contributors can each independently maintain their own source account, with separate reporting and control,

A Super Account can also manage it's own content assets, mixing those with assets syndicated from 3rd party sources.

Importantly any changes to syndicated assets are automatically updated across the connected accounts in real-time.

Aggregate, Curate, and Share Social Media Posts

Creating, sourcing and acquiring good storytelling content is an ongoing challenge for brands and marketing teams.

Plenty of free content is generated and shared on Social Media networks like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

The problem is too much content in general, and plenty of low quality unusable content, to sift through.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to bring that content together with your own content, into your DAM, in order to build your content catalogues, and curate a cohesive story, that you can share in your Brand Portal and embed on your website to help tell your brand story.

We think so too.  So Coming Soon in Brandkit you'll be able to just that.

UGC curation with Instagram New York example

Then...Distribute dynamically from your single source of owned and aggregated content.

Once you have your owned content and content aggregated from other sources together in your Brandkit DAM,  you can distribute/deploy it dynamically and automatically to where it's needed most, via your self-service Brand Portal, generate an RSS feed, or integrate with your other apps and services via our Public API.

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Your story matters. Help your collaborators find your content, tell your story with confidence, and build a stronger brand.

All for a reasonable and fair price. See pricing here.


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Statistics above last updated 1 March 2024

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