Brandkit® Media Centre Software

Not just the visual story,
share the whole story
Press Releases, Blogs, Story ideas, Visuals in a single search result

Go beyond the visual story, turn your Brand Portal into a Media Centre with written Posts, and share the whole story.

Your Brandkit Brand Portal serves up both file based assets (such an image or video), and written content (such as Story Ideas, Press Releases, Announcements, etc) - in one place. Making it easy for Journalists and others, to find the content they need to share the right story.

Screenshot showing Posts and Visuals found in the same search result

Example of a Posts feed widget in the Visit Scotland Media Centre home page.

Give credit where credit is due
with Brandkit® Credits and a dedicated search page

Brandkit® Credits are the people or organisations you want to attribute, or credit for specific content assets. These might include photographers, talent, authors, vendors, or partners. Giving credit or attribution is often a bit loosey goosey. We’ve tightened things up, and made Credits more powerful and useful, with a dedicated database and landing pages for asset attributed to a particular person or organisation.

Screenshot BK2 Credit Search Page@2x

Write with our Posts editor

Use our Post writing and editing tools to write up your Press Releases, Story Ideas, Blog posts, or any sort of short or long form writing. Embed media inside your posts, tag with the same tags as your file based assets, and more. Alternatively copy and paste from your other writing tools.

Brandkit's Post Editor is designed to be a distraction free experience. We support Markdown for styling copy, and provide a Markdown WYSIWYG editor for those new to Markdown. In addition we support using native HTML and image injection via s mpke Asset picker (using Assets already in the account) in the editor.

Screenshot Bk2 post editor

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Your story matters. Help your collaborators find your content, tell your story with confidence, and build a stronger brand. All for a reasonable and fair price. See pricing here.


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Statistics above last updated 1 March 2024

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