Automatic Asset Notifications
Brandkit automatically generates <strong>Notifications</strong> for Asset Expiry and Licence changes to an Asset.They are sent to Admins for approval initially, and then to end-users (users who have previously downloaded the Asset), <strong>provided an Admin approves the Notification</strong>.These automatic notifications are triggered by the following:
- Asset reaches its Expiry Date
- Asset reaches its Expiry Warning Date (i.e. "X' number of days before expiry)
- Asset's Licence is changed.
First: Recommended Notification
- Date: Is the date the notification is triggered
- Type: if the trigger type (Licence = Licence change, Expiry - reached expiry date of expiry warning date)
- Preview: Asset proxy thumbnail
- Asset: Unique Asset ID
- Description: Describes the trigger reason.
- Actions: Choose to Notify, Decline or View the Asset (opens asset detail page in a new browser tab).
- Delay your Approval until you have all your assets sorted out with correct Expiry dates and Licences
- Decline to send if it's unlikely that anyone has downloaded the Asset already (e.g. when you're first setting up your library)
Second: Once Notification is Approved
When a user <strong>Acknowledges </strong>a notification we will record the date and time of the Acknowledgement and clear it. <strong>Users </strong>should ensure they have updated their usage of the Asset or stopped using the Asset altogether (in the case where a Licence has expired) <strong>before they click Acknowledge</strong>.We’ll <strong>continue to send Users a daily reminder email about Notifications</strong> until they are all Acknowledged.<em>Last updated 18 November 2020</em>
Automatic Asset Notifications
Brandkit can notify users whenever an Asset is close to Expiry, Expires or has a Licence change.