How to: Asset Licensing


In Brandkit we use Asset Licences (in combination with User Roles) to control access by users to your Assets.

What are Asset Licenses?

You will see Licence mentioned, in Asset Previews, Asset Detail Pages, Drop down filters, Download and Share modals and forms, Terms of Use, Reporting and elsewhere.

It’s an important concept to understand in Brandkit. Licence in Brandkit serves two purposes:

  • Controls whether a User can view an Asset
  • Communicates the Licence or IP usage rules or conditions of use for an Asset

Think of a Licence as a bucket of Assets or pseudo folder, with Intellectual Property Rules and Conditions of use.

e.g. Assets belonging to the Royalty Free Licence can be seen by all registered users, are available for download, and are free to use worldwide, without payment or attribution.

e.g.2  Assets belonging to the Royalty Free with Attribution Licence can be seen by all registered users, are available for download, and are free to use worldwide, but you must show attribution/credit the person or organisation provided.

It’s part of a Legal Contract between your organisation, and your Users.

It’s important to understand that throughout Brandkit we go out of our way to ensure that each user agrees to abide by your Terms of Use and your Licence Rules or Conditions.

  • Your Brandkit account has Terms of Use which all Users must accept when registering, logging in, and downloading,  which also references Licence and Licence Conditions for Assets.
  • When viewing Assets in detail, Licence Rules and Conditions are shown.
  • When Downloading, Users are shown Licence Rules and Conditions again, and they are asked to confirm agreement to Terms and Licence Rules and Conditions before downloading (there is  an exception for users with a Download form Bypass).
  • Terms of Use, generally state that you are issuing the user with a Licence to use the Asset provided they adhere to the Licence conditions.

How are Licenses setup?

By default each Account with has three Licences setup by default

  • Exclusive License
  • Royalty Free
  • UGC Licence

These are starting points.  We’ll typically remove or modify these Licences to suit your particular business or licensing situation.Generally most Assets should be assigned to the Royalty Free Licence, and any Assets for internal/staff use only should be assigned to the Exclusive Licence. Note: You should always assign an Asset to a Licence (Assets with no licence will be visible to everyone including the public in public viewable Brand Portals.Each account can setup custom Asset Licences. Each Asset Licence requires a, 

  1. Licence Name
  2. Licence Description

Think about your own organisation and business rules, and come up with some logical Licences that will work for you. This may be determined by the source of your assets. For example, if you have purchased or licensed images from a 3rd party you will will need to reflect that fact, and their rules in your own Licence.Generally fewer simpler Licenses work best.Once the Asset Licence is created it becomes a lookup field and can be allocated to an Asset or a batch of Assets when editing, and generally speaking every Asset should be allocated to a Licence.

*Note: Brandkit Support must setup your Licences for you.  Contact <a href=””><strong></strong></a> to get this arranged.</strong>

Controlling User Access with Licence

Once your Licenses are setup as you want them, you can then use them control whether a user with a certain User Role can view Assets belonging to the Licence.

In Admin:

  1. Click Users >Manage User Roles
  2. Click the Edit Abilities button
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and for each User Role column, tick in the Licence row, to turn on visibility for that Licence.
  4. Click Finished Editing

Any user with the User Role shown will now be able to see any Assets belonging to each Licence they have visibility turned on for, and the abilities above in each User Role column will apply.

Also read:

How to: Asset Licensing

How do we use Asset Licence in Brandkit?

Asset type post
ID 113839
Word count 676 words


Licence Worldwide Paid and Unpaid Available to anyone for royalty free use in paid and unpaid media worldwide, provided Brandkit benefits from such use, and (or the named Credit if provided) is credited.
Expiry No expiry date
Release date
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