How do I set up a Folder?
Folders, Smoulders - you don't need Folders.
No folders - use Tags, Licenses or Brands instead
Think of Tags as a modern more flexible folder idea. That is, a collection of files.
To organise Assets into collections, In Brandkit, we have,
- Tags
- Licences
- Brands
- Asset Type
- File Type
- Orientation ways of organising assets into collections of Assets (pseudo folders).
One important difference.
One of the benefits of a no folder approach is that an Asset, can be in many places at once (i.e. have many Tags or Brands), without having to store or manage multiple copies of the Asset. A big advantage over crusty old folders.
Note: Licence is the exception here, an Asset can only belong to a single Licence.
Things you can do with Tagged collections
One of the things you can do with Tags is to create what we call preconfigured Content Stories, using Tags combined with Landing Page widgets and/or custom navigation.
<p class=”intercom-align-center”>Example of a <i>Tiles Widget</i> with a preconfigured Tag Search (aka Content Story or Visual Story) for Assets tagged with <i>”Biking”.</i> </p><p class=”intercom-align-center”>…and the resulting <i>Biking</i> Content Story /Visual Story.</p>
These preconfigured searches can use one or multiple tags, and be triggered by a range of landing page widgets or custom navigation/menu items.
Talk to your Brandkit Account Manager or Brandkit support on how to set these up in your Portal.
Also see this Blog post about Folders.
Happy branding :)
How do I set up a Folder?
How are folders used in Brandkit?