Reporting and Fine-tuning

Reporting and Fine-tuning

Brandkit can help you steer your brand with reports. See what is the most popular searched tags, most popular downloads and shares. You can download CSV information and easily make graphs to help with presentation reports.

First you need to be logged in as admin in the admin interface (not the portal page). 

Now click Reports in the menu, there a a number of standard reports available

Account Dashboard

This displays a summary of current storage, activity and sentiment generally. 

Note: The Dashboard has been recently updated to a new design layout in the Admin 2 refresh and include new graphs and reports. 

<p class=”intercom-align-center”><i>Admin 1 Reports - Dashboard<br /></i></p> <p class=”intercom-align-center”><i>Admin 2 Reports - Dashboard</i></p>


  • Account Details
  • Account stats such as Total Storage, Total Traffic, etc
  • User by Role summary
  • Activity and Traffic by Share Type
  • Assets by Asset Type
  • Distribution by Share Type
  • Storage by Asset Type
  • Latest Users
  • Latest Feedback

Modifications to Assets

This displays a list of all changes made to Assets and Asset metadata in chronological order and includes the Asset ID, Action taken, the email of the user making the modification and the change made if that detail is available.

Assets by Expiry

This report displays a list of Asset with an Expiry date, sorted by Expiry date. It shows Asset ID, Expiry Date, Asset Name, Licence Name, Credit (to help renegotiate expiring usage contracts), Number of Downloads, and a thumbnail image of the asset.

Popular Searches (out favourite report)

This report displays the Search terms by popularity. Shows the Search term (typically a Tag) and the number of Search counted - sorted by highest count (most popular) at the top.

Popular Downloads

This report display Downloads by asset, sorted by highest count (most popular) at the top. It shows Asset ID, Asset Status, Asset Name and number of Downloads.

Activity Report

This report displays all Download and Sharing and other Transfer activity (including Uploads and Saved Baskets) for the account=, Columns include Date, Event ID (e.g. a batch download's ID), Kind of Event (e.g. Download, Share, etc), Number of Assets, From user, To user, and a link to view the detailed activity page.

Downloads by Asset

This report shows downloads per Asset ordered by Asset ID. Columns includes Asset ID, Asset Status, Asset Name, Kind (Download), Date of download, Number of assets in Download,Asset Type, Asset Size (in MB), Asset Licence, User Email, Org name of User, Nature of Org (of user), Country (of user), Intended Use provided and a Link to the Download history view.

Audits (System Admins only)

This is a special report for Brandkit Support and shows Asset Creation, Update and Delete events. Columns include Date and time, Affected Type, Reference (filename), Action, user, Change and Comment.


This report shows all Approved Tags in the account. Columns include Tags, Asset count, Uses count and date created.

Asset Downloads

This Report shows downloads by Asset with the origin of that download specified. The total count of downloads by asset is split up showing Direct Downloads, Normal Downloads and Downloads from Sends. It shows Asset ID, Asset Status, Asset Name, Direct Downloads count, Normal Downloads count, Downloads from Sends and a Total Downloads count.

Saveable and Downloadable

Reports include varying options to filter the results and all reports are saveable and downloadable as CSV files.

Once you've run the report using the search icon.

To Download a Report 

  • Click on the Download Report button to download immediately, or
  • Click Email Report button - this will email you a link to download the report.

Note: Some reports are not Downloadable immediately but must be emailed using the Email Report Button as described above.

<p class=”intercom-align-center”><i>Admin 1 Report page<br /></i></p> <p class=”intercom-align-center”><i>Admin2 Report page</i></p>

Once you’ve downloaded your CSV file you can open it in Excel or Google Sheets to analyse and manipulate further.

Happy branding :)

Reporting and Fine-tuning

Brandkit includes several standard reports and supports downloading report data as CSV files for further analysis.

Asset type post
ID 113892
Word count 645 words


Licence Worldwide Paid and Unpaid Available to anyone for royalty free use in paid and unpaid media worldwide, provided Brandkit benefits from such use, and (or the named Credit if provided) is credited.
Expiry No expiry date
Added at


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Statistics above last updated 1 March 2024