34 Creative Content Marketing Ideas for Small Business

Reference: For more insights and inspiration, you can explore Brandkit’s blog on branding and content marketing.


In today’s digital age, content marketing has become a powerful tool for small businesses to engage their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive business growth.

However, standing out in a sea of content can be challenging.

To help you capture attention and make an impact, we’ve compiled a list of creative content marketing ideas for small businesses. These ideas, inspired by successful strategies from famous brands, will (we hope) inspire you to create compelling content that resonates with your audience.

1. Tell Your Brand Story Through Video:

Video content has become increasingly popular and can effectively convey your brand’s story in an engaging and memorable way. Consider creating a brand video that showcases your journey, values, and the unique aspects of your business.

A great example is Airbnb’s “Belong Anywhere” campaign, where they highlighted heartwarming stories of hosts and guests, connecting people and cultures through their platform.

2. User-Generated Content Campaigns:

Encourage your customers to create content for you by running user-generated content campaigns. Ask them to share their experiences, photos, or videos using your product or service and feature the best submissions on your website or social media platforms.

GoPro, a well-known action camera brand, excels in this strategy by showcasing thrilling user-generated content on their social media channels, creating an aspirational and adventurous brand image.

3. Interactive Infographics or Guides:

Create interactive infographics or guides that provide valuable information in an engaging format. Allow users to interact with the content by providing quizzes, assessments, or interactive elements. This approach can generate more time spent on your website and increase brand engagement.

The New York Times‘ interactive feature “How Y’all, Youse, and You Guys Talk” is a prime example, allowing users to explore regional dialects in an interactive and educational way.

4. Collaborate with Influencers:

Influencer marketing can be a powerful way to reach your target audience and build credibility. Identify influencers who align with your brand values and have an engaged following. Collaborate with them to create content that showcases your product or service authentically.

The cosmetics brand Glossier has successfully leveraged influencer partnerships to build a loyal community and drive brand awareness.

Finding the right influencers can be time-consuming. Consider using an email finder tool like ContactOut to streamline your outreach and connect directly with relevant influencers.

5. Host a Webinar or Live Event:

Share your expertise and provide value to your audience by hosting a webinar or live event. Choose a topic that aligns with your industry and addresses your customers’ pain points. This allows you to establish yourself as a thought leader and build trust with your audience.

HubSpot, a leading marketing software company, regularly hosts webinars on various topics related to inbound marketing, attracting and educating their target audience.

6. Create Useful Guides or E-Books:

Develop comprehensive guides or e-books that provide valuable insights or solutions to common challenges faced by your target audience. Offer these resources as free downloads in exchange for email subscriptions or as gated content to generate leads.

Moz, a well-known SEO software company, offers an extensive library of guides and e-books that provide in-depth knowledge and practical tips for improving search engine optimization.

7. Embrace Social Media Challenges:

Social media challenges can create buzz and virality around your brand. Develop a challenge that aligns with your brand values and encourages user participation.

A notable example is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which went viral on social media, raising awareness and funds for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) research.

But wait ! - we have no marketing budget!

While most of the content marketing ideas above are fairly obvious and common practice among brands, and dare we say a bit boring!

When you’re small business, and usually poor with limited marketing budgets, you still have the advantage of being nimble and clever. When you can still move fast and break norms. There are some low cost “Guerilla marketing” style tactics worth trying.

Here’s 7 out-of-the-box guerrilla content marketing ideas:

  1. Street Art and Murals: Collaborate with local artists to create unique and eye-catching street art or murals that incorporate your brand’s message or logo. Find public spaces or buildings where you can legally display the artwork and capture attention from passersby. Example: Nike’s mural campaigns in cities around the world, featuring iconic athletes and inspiring messages.

  2. Flash Mobs: Organize a spontaneous and synchronized performance in a crowded area related to your brand or product. Flash mobs create a sense of surprise and excitement, capturing the attention of both participants and onlookers. Example: T-Mobile’s flash mob at Liverpool Street Station, London, with dancers performing a lively routine to promote their brand.

  3. Pop-Up Experiences: Set up temporary pop-up experiences or installations in unexpected locations. This could be a unique product demonstration, interactive installation, or immersive brand experience. Example: Google’s “The Google Shop” pop-up in London, showcasing their latest products and technology in an engaging and interactive way.

  4. Sticker and Poster Campaigns: Create attention-grabbing stickers or posters that cleverly promote your brand or convey a message related to your product. Place them strategically in high-visibility areas, such as street poles, public transport stations, public toilets, or cafes. Example: Apple’s “Think Different” campaign featuring black-and-white portraits of influential individuals, creating a sense of curiosity and inspiration.

  5. Reverse Graffiti: Utilize high-pressure water washers and stencils to create temporary clean spots or patterns on dirty surfaces like sidewalks or walls. This technique, known as reverse graffiti, can be used to display your brand logo or message.

content marketing ideas - Moose-Green-Works

Example: Green Works’ reverse graffiti campaign, cleaning away dirt and grime from walls to reveal their eco-friendly cleaning product messages.

  1. Unexpected Brand Ambassador: Hire an unexpected brand ambassador who embodies your brand’s personality and values. This could be a unique character, an animal, or an unusual spokesperson who stands out from the norm. Example: Dos Equis’ “The Most Interesting Man in the World” character, who became a memorable brand icon known for his humorous and intriguing persona.

  2. Ambush Marketing: Take advantage of popular events or occasions to create attention-grabbing and witty marketing campaigns that ride on the coattails of larger brands or events. Be careful to avoid legal issues or copyright infringements. Example: Oreo’s “Dunk in the Dark” tweet during the Super Bowl blackout, showcasing their quick thinking and brand relevance.

Remember, guerrilla marketing tactics can be unconventional and unexpected, but they should align with your brand’s values and resonate with your target audience. When executed creatively and thoughtfully, guerrilla marketing can create memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression on your audience.

20 More Guerrilla Content Marketing Ideas Please…

OK ok - Here’s another 20 guerrilla content marketing ideas for small businesses, along with examples from famous brands.

  1. Interactive Quizzes: Create engaging and interactive quizzes related to your industry or product to capture your audience’s attention and generate leads. Example: Buzzfeed’s “What Kind of (insert topic) Are You?” quizzes engage users and generate social media shares.

  2. Meme Marketing: Utilize popular memes and viral trends to create content that resonates with your target audience and encourages sharing. Example: Wendy’s Twitter account often uses humorous memes and witty comebacks to engage with their audience and create viral content.

  3. Surprise Giveaways: Organize surprise giveaways or contests on social media platforms to encourage audience engagement and create buzz around your brand. Example: Oprah’s Favorite Things, where Oprah Winfrey surprises her audience with extravagant giveaways during her show, generating buzz and excitement.

  4. Influencer Takeovers: Partner with influencers in your niche to take over your social media accounts for a day, providing unique content and exposing your brand to their audience. Example: Airbnb collaborates with influencers to take over their Instagram accounts, sharing their travel experiences and promoting unique accommodations.

  5. Behind-the-Scenes Stories: Share behind-the-scenes stories and glimpses of your business to humanize your brand and create a personal connection with your audience. Example: Nike’s “Behind the Design” series on YouTube provides a glimpse into the creative process behind their iconic products.

  6. Mini Web Series: Produce a short web series that educates, entertains, or showcases your products/services while keeping viewers engaged over multiple episodes. Example: Red Bull’sThe Athlete Machine“ web series showcases extreme sports athletes performing incredible stunts, capturing attention and promoting the brand’s energy drink.

  7. Creative Hashtag Campaigns: Develop a catchy and unique hashtag campaign that encourages user-generated content and facilitates brand promotion. Example: Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign encouraged people to share photos with personalized Coca-Cola bottles using the hashtag #ShareACoke.

  8. Data-Driven Infographics: Create visually appealing infographics based on industry-specific data to position your brand as an authoritative source and encourage social sharing. Example: The New York Times often creates informative and visually appealing infographics to present complex data in a digestible format, attracting readership and social shares.

  9. Crowdsourced Content: Involve your audience in creating content by soliciting ideas, opinions, or stories related to your brand and incorporating them into your marketing campaigns. Example: Lay’s “Do Us a Flavor” campaign invites consumers to submit ideas for new chip flavors, engaging the audience and creating a sense of ownership.

  10. Virtual Events: Host virtual events such as webinars, workshops, or Q&A sessions to provide valuable insights to your audience and establish your brand as a thought leader. Example: Apple’s annual product launch events, streamed live worldwide, generate excitement and anticipation around their new product releases.

  11. Micro-Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with micro-influencers who have smaller but highly engaged audiences that align with your brand values. Example: Daniel Wellington collaborates with micro-influencers to promote their watches on social media, leveraging their loyal and engaged followers.

  12. Controversial Content: Tackle industry controversies or polarizing topics to spark discussions and position your brand as a thought leader unafraid to address challenging subjects. Example: Nike’s “Dream Crazy” ad featuring Colin Kaepernick sparked conversations and polarized opinions, establishing the brand as a champion of social causes.

  13. Interactive Product Demos: Develop interactive product demonstrations or virtual try-on experiences to give your audience a firsthand experience of your offerings. Example: IKEA’s augmented reality (AR) app allows customers to virtually place furniture in their homes to visualize how it would look before purchasing.

  14. AR/VR Experiences: Utilize augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) technologies to create immersive brand experiences that captivate your audience. Example: The North Face’s virtual reality (VR) experience takes viewers on a 360-degree adventure, showcasing their outdoor gear in immersive environments.

  15. Customer Success Stories: Share compelling customer success stories that demonstrate how your product or service has positively impacted their lives or businesses. Example: Slack’s website features customer case studies and testimonials, highlighting how their collaboration platform improves productivity and communication.

  16. Gamified Experiences: Introduce gamification elements into your content, such as quizzes, challenges, or rewards, to make the experience more enjoyable and encourage user participation. Example: Starbucks’ “Starbucks for Life” holiday game encourages customers to collect virtual game pieces for a chance to win free Starbucks products.

  17. Live Streaming: Use live streaming platforms to provide real-time updates, host live events, or conduct interviews to engage with your audience directly. Example: Twitch, a live streaming platform, allows gamers to stream their gameplay, interact with viewers, and build a dedicated community around their channels.

  18. Animated Videos: Create animated videos that simplify complex concepts, entertain, or tell compelling brand stories in a visually appealing format. Example: Dropbox uses animated explainer videos on their website to showcase the benefits of their file-sharing service in a fun and engaging way.

  19. User-Generated Reviews: Encourage customers to leave reviews or testimonials on your website or social media platforms, showcasing their positive experiences with your brand. Example: TripAdvisor features user-generated reviews and ratings to help travelers make informed decisions about hotels, restaurants, and attractions.

  20. Localized Campaigns: Tailor your content marketing campaigns to specific local communities or events to establish a strong connection with your target audience. Example: Google Maps’ “Local Guides” program encourages users to contribute reviews, photos, and tips about local businesses, building a community-driven platform.

Remember, guerrilla content marketing tactics are meant to be creative, unconventional, and capture the attention of your audience. Choose tactics that align with your brand personality, resonate with your target audience, and fit within your marketing objectives.

Mix and match these tactics to create a unique content marketing strategy that sets your small business apart.


Content marketing is a powerful tool for small businesses to connect with their target audience and drive business growth. By incorporating creative content marketing ideas inspired by successful strategies from famous brands, you can captivate your audience, increase brand awareness, and foster brand loyalty.

Remember to experiment with different types of content, engage your audience through interactive elements, collaborate with influencers, and provide valuable resources. By offering unique and compelling content experiences, you can set your small business apart and create a memorable brand presence - even with tiny budgets

For more content marketing insights and inspiration, visit Brandkit’s blog on branding and content marketing strategies.

Embrace the power of content marketing ideas and unleash your small business’s potential in the digital realm.

Happy branding :)

p.s. got some crazy hair brained tactic that worked for you, and want to share, send it to me david@brandkitapp.com

34 Creative Content Marketing Ideas for Small Business

Here some simple ideas and some more Guerilla marketing like tactics to get your creative juices flowing. A total of 34 ideas to get you started.

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