Brandkit Platform Tour: Map Search
Map Search
with interactive maps
Show off your place, and help users understand your country, state, region, city, town or place. Then find what they need by interacting with your beautifully designed custom map.
How it works
(1) Setup
These are setup for the customer account by Brandkt staff, as javascript is needed to actovate the map.
The customer supplies (1) an svg map graphic with each zone pathed and labelled with the zone name (e.g. region name) in the svg code. Plus (2) a list of these zones (e.g regions).
Brandkit staff set up a clickable list of zones (e.g. regions) and wire up the SVG map and those links to pre configured Searches using Brandkit developed HTML and Javascript.
Then adds to the relevant portal page in the CMS.
(2) Populate with Assets
Each map zone will run a pre-built search for Assets based on Location attributes and/or Tags that is hard-coded into the map code.
Customer Admins then upload and publish content Assets matching the search criteria, by adding location data and appropriate tags to selected Assets.
(3) Users interact with Map
End users then interact with the Map to search for content Assets related to each map zone by clicking on the either the map or the listed zone.
Typical uses include country or state maps with country regions as zones, regions with sub-regions as zones, and cities or towns with neighbourhoods as zones.
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