Video in Brandkit®

Upload a video asset and we'll auto-generate a playable web preview. Play videos without having to download (that massive file) first. You get independence for your video, Not reliant on uploading to Youtube or Vimeo. And you can distribute and download video as easily as images.

screenshot of a video asset in the Tourism NZ Visual Library

Fast and easy ingestion

Just upload your video files and we'll get them organized and prepped for wide re-use and sharing.

Upload video files into Brandkit (from your computer or a range of online storage places) and we'll generate a web size playable and scrubbable video automatically.

Both the original and the web optimized version of the video will be viewable, scrubbable, downloadable, and shareable.

Drag and drop upload graphic

Organized and Easily Found

We make your Video files easy to find and either easy (or hard) to access.

Unlike Youtube, Vimeo and others all your video in your own central library. You control exactly who can see and access your video with User Roles and Permissions, in a Private or Public Brand Portal.

We make them easy to find by, automatically tagging uploads "Video", extracting video dimensions, detecting the presence of, audio, etc and creating a scrubbable playable web preview for every video. We support large (max size 20gb) and small videos, landscape, Portrait. Square videos.

And finally, you can work with video alongside images, branding, design files as equals, when searching, downloading, sharing and collaborating.

Video Search grid example from the Tourism NZ Visual Library

Playable/Scrubbable Web Previews

Check it's the video you want eith easy controls that allow you to play/preview/scrub the video back and forward.

Example Video Asset as seen on the NZ Story Toolkit

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