Uploading with the Portal Upload widget
The Upload Widget is available as a paid option. It is designed to allow Portal Users (users without access to Admin functions), to submit content to your Brandkit.
Note, the Upload Widget is a customisation that is not installed by default. Your Portal Users therefore may not have access to this feature.
Be aware, it (the Upload Widget) can also be configured to be visible only to certain User Roles in the portal. For example, it may not be visible to Standard Users, but visible to users with a Staff role.
- The Portal User clicks the Upload Files button (on a Portal page where the Upload Widget is installed).
In this example the client has opted for an additional menu item in the Navigation bar (Upload A New Asset), to link to an Upload page where the Upload Widget appears.
Note: only the accounts Approved Tags can be applied. The Portal User can not create new Tags.
The Message field is important, as it not only is recorded in the upload history for the user to review later, but is added as a Comment in the Asset Detail page of each asset in the Admin system, so that site Admins can make decisions about licensing, and approval of the Asset.
Other than the file's Filename, and the entered Tags and Message, there is no other way to pass information about the uploaded files to Admins.
Note: Even though a link is provided to view the Uploaded assets. They will NOT be visible, until they are Approved by Admins.
<p class=”intercom-align-left”><br />Please contact us if you have questions.</p>Uploading with the Portal Upload widget
How do Portal Users upload files and provide information about the files being uploaded, using the Portal Upload Widget.