Pricing - Team Edition

Private Brand Toolkit designed for marketing teams collaborating on content mostly internally, with occassional external use. Brandkit domain and standard portal design. No CMS.

If most of your users will be external users, then we recommend a Pro Edition.

Screenshot of a Brandkit Team plan

Team Edition Brandkit's feature a Brandkit sub-domain, and a standard portal design. Login, Registration and Share landing pages feature your logo and custom background image.

Pricing is in USD.




or $1100/year (save 1 month)

Book a Demo

  • Easily find files
  • Know legal position
  • 5 ways to share
  • Save time on requests
  • Self-serve Brand Toolkit for your team and occassional external users.
  • Powered by an AI powered search engine, and industrial strength DAM.
  • 100GB Usage per month included1, with additional Usage charged at $1/gb at the end of the billing period.
  • Unlimited Users and User Roles.
  • 1-2 days setup and onboarding typically.
  • Full support provided including 1:1 video support, 1:1 Admin orientation and training, online help centre and knowledge base.




or $3300/year (save 1 month)

Book a Demo

  • Easily find files
  • Know legal position
  • 5 ways to share
  • Less time on requests
  • Self-serve Brand Toolkit for your team and occassional external users.
  • Powered by an AI powered search engine, and industrial strength DAM.
  • 500GB Usage per month included1, with additional Usage charged at $1/gb at the end of the billing period.
  • Unlimited Users and User Roles.
  • 1-2 days setup and onboarding typically.
  • Full support provided including 1:1 video support, 1:1 Admin orientation and training, online help centre and knowledge base.




or $5500/year (save 1 month)

Book a Demo

  • Easily find files
  • Know legal position
  • 5 ways to share
  • Less time on requests
  • Self-serve Brand Toolkit for your team and occassional external users.
  • Powered by an AI powered search engine, and industrial strength DAM.
  • 1TB Usage per month included1, with additional Usage charged at $1/gb at the end of the billing period.
  • Unlimited Users and User Roles.
  • 1-2 days setup and onboarding typically.
  • Full support provided including 1:1 video support, 1:1 Admin orientation and training, online help centre and knowledge base.

[1] Usage means combined storage space and traffic (Uploads, Downloads and CDN traffic) measured in GB. For example 50GB of file storage plus 15GB of downloads plus 10GB of CDN traffic (views of Asset Previews) = a total of 75GB of Usage. [2] Asset means any item added to your Brandkit account, an (uploaded file, a post, a syndicated asset from another account, or a link asset, etc), as a searchable asset. All plans are subject to our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Fair Use Policy, and are nett of any federal, state or local tax, GST or VAT

Discounted rates available for Non Profits/Charities and Environmental initiatives.

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Statistics above last updated 1 March 2024