Taxonomy in Brandkit 2


Taxonomy - in essence is an agreed way to treat metadata - data about data.

In Brandkit we make managing a custom Taxonomy as simple as possible and in line with a no-folder, non-hierarchical approach - we use a simple to understand Tags concept to control how metadata is applied to Assets.

Adding Tags

Users with the Admin ability to Manage Tags can create Tags:

  • By adding a Tag in the Admin > Assets > Tag page 
  • By Tagging an Asset in an Add Tags workflow (e,g on a Asset page, or tagging a collection of Asset via the Basket)

Tags are also automatically added for you (depending on configuration)

  • By extracting keywords from file metadata (on ingestion or manually triggered by an Admin)
  • By auto-tagging via our ChatGPT integration

Tags can also be added when creating Filters which typically use a comma separated list of desired Tags. Filters are how we typically setup your Taxonomy or approved tags

  • Add a Filter, based on Tags, and add a list of comma separated Tags.

Creating Approved Tags to guide tagging.

In Brandkit 2 - Approved Tags are essentially your Taxonomy expressed as Tags.

It’s a way to Guide Admins and other users who may be able to Tag, to follow a pre-determined and agreed tagging standard.

There are two ways to setup approved Tags.

  1. Create a Filter or multiple Filters that list the Tag options you want users to apply.

An example used by Enterprise Dunedin would be a Theme filter with the Tag options “Activities,Attractions,Business,Conference and Venues,Events,Scenic,Study,Urban,Wildlife”. This filter is them presented as a Tagging helper when tagging, a Search filter when searching, and can form the basis of a set of Albums as seen on the Enterprise Dunedin home page.

  1. Add Tag to the Tags page found at Admin > Assets > Tags. On this page you can add new tags or edit existing Tags. These Tags are then used in Type-Ahead suggestions when tagging an Asset.

Tags created by “Jemima” (AI Auto Tagging bot)

When uploading Assets and with Auto-tagging enabled, new Tags will be created and applied to the Assets via our integration with ChatGPT automatically.

If auto-tagging is disabled in your Automation settings (Admin > Settings > Automation), you can still manually trigger auto-tagging when Tagging a single Asset or for a batch of Assets in the Basket.

Screenshot of Auto-tag button shown on Asset page

Tags created by AI are identified

  • In the Tags page with the Computer label
  • In the Asset page (in Admin only) the AI Tags are indicated by a darker grey background and an asterisk.
  • Human entered Tags have black background.
  • Tags auto-extracted from file metadata are in a lighter grey and feature a up arrow.

Using Filters to Create a Tagging taxonomy, and then prompt Admins to apply it.

Brandkit features customisable Filters used for search, and these are shown in both Admin and optionally in Portal interfaces.

Filters both aid search and help guide users on how to refine their searches. They also act as a tagging prompt for Admins, and help Admins ensure that the agreed “taxonomy”, is applied.

Filters therefore act as the primary method of encouraging/enforcing  the application of a Taxonomy.

We don’t actually force Admins to select a Filter option when tagging, but it is certainly encouraged.

To set these up first think about your content and how users are likely to search for content.

You could for example divide up your content by Theme, Category, Department, Location, Season, Audience etc. And because we’re talking about Tags rather than Folders, all these can coexist, as an Asset can be in many places at once.

This is an internal process, every organisation is different, so think about your content in your own context (as described in this article.

Next, write down a list of filters and all their possible values.e.g. Season: Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring

Note that the Filter Name (e.g. Season) is a heading for the dropdown menu, and Filter Values (e.g. Spring) are the items in the filter drop-down, but are also Tags (mostly). When a filter value is selected, the value is added as a Tag to the search box.

You’ll need to supply these to Brandkit as part of your onboarding and setup process or if you have access to Settings you add or edit your Filters.

Brandkit will typically set these up for you so they appear in your account as Search Filters and as Tagging Prompts (the two work in unison) .Once in place, you’ll see these options appear when you are tagging Assets.

It’s then as simple as selecting an option for each Filter, to ensure that Admins apply the pre-determined Taxonomy.

*Pro Tip: If you’re also setting up Albums for your home page, it’s a good idea to align the Albums with the values of your most important Filter (e.g. Themes), so that they are identical searches. Albums use Tags just like Filter values to deliver a search result.*

Happy branding :)

Taxonomy in Brandkit 2

Taxonomy - in essence is an agreed way to treat metadata - data about data. In this article we discuss how to setup and manage your Taxonomy in Brandkit.

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AI Tags AI vs Human Tags Article Automatic tagging Brand Kit Brand Management Brand Management Software Brand Toolkit Content Management DAM Software Digital Asset Management Digital Asset Management Software Digital Brand Digital Branding Digital Toolkit Extracted Metadata tags Filters and Tags Getting Started Help and Documentation How-to How to add Tags How to automatically tag How to edit tags How to setup a taxonomy Human Tags Media Asset Management Media Centre Tagging Taxonomy Tips and Tricks Visual Content Marketing

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